A marriage is not legal if you have entered into it fictitiously, or have not observed the restrictions and requirements related to the conclusion of a marriage.
Fictitious marriage
A marriage that has been entered into fictitiously, namely, without the intent to create a family, is not lawful and thus is invalid.
example Marriage is fictitious if it has been concluded between a Latvian citizen and a citizen from a third country without a factual relationship between the partners and only to receive a residence permit in Latvia.
Formal requirements
A marriage is also unlawful, if you have not observed the formal restrictions or fulfilled the requirements for its conclusion.
example Marriage may be recognized as unlawful if the requirements about the age and choice of partner are not observed.
Forced marriage
A marriage may also be declared invalid if you have been forced to marry under the influence of a threat or any other form of coercion.
How to complain
If the marriage is unlawful, either partner may submit an application to declare the marriage legally invalid, namely, to annul it. Read more about how to annul your marriage.