Green Freedom is a non-profit environmental protection and education organisation whose mission is to promote the development of a society that lives in harmony with itself and its environment.
How can it help you?
Green Guide
The Green Guide is an information tool by the Green Freedom that provides answers to questions and up-to-date information on how to live green, socially responsible and environmentally friendly lives. The Green Guide provides information on many everyday topics:
- food
- transport
- electrical goods
- energy efficiency in buildings
- home and garden
- clothing and jewellery
- cleaning products
- cosmetics
- city life
- labels
- sex
- children
- provision of information and educational material on environmental issues and the impact of consumerism and globalisation on the natural and social environment
- promoting participation in environmental decision-making
- promoting participation of environmental NGOs in the development, adoption and implementation of national and international legislation
- organising discussions and talks on sustainable and socially responsible food
- monitoring and dissemination of directives that impose obligations on companies regarding the human rights and environmental impacts of their activities
Information and contacts
Zaļā brīvība
Lapu street 17, 2nd floor,
Riga, LV-1002