The aim of the Latvian Movement for Independent Living is to promote the development of an inclusive society and equal opportunities for everyone in society, through help to people with disabilities.
How can it help you
Day care centre
The main aim of the day care centre is to provide adults with severe mental disabilities with meaningful daily activities during the weekdays.
This includes:
- maintenance and development of social skills
- social rehabilitation services
- educational and meaningful leisure time activities
- psychosocial support
- care, if needed
The service is provided to adults with severe or profound mental disorders, as well as complex functional disorders, including persons with autistic spectrum features and low self-care capacities.
In some cases, the service is also available to persons aged 16 and over who are not attending special educational institutions.
For day care centre services, please contact the Latvian Movement for Independent Living.
Group homes
The group home service of the Latvian Movement for Independent Living is provided to adults with mental disorders (mental illness) who want to live in a group home and have difficulties living independently, but do not need long-term social care or rehabilitation.
The service is available to residents of Riga municipality and persons wishing to return from State Social Care Centres. There are 14 apartments available in group homes.
important The queue for the group homes service is established and supervised by the Riga City Council Social Service.
For information on the procedure for receiving group home services, please contact the Riga City Council Social Services. Additional information is available on the website of the Welfare Department of Riga City Council.
- Advocacy for people with disabilities
- Raising public awareness on equal opportunities for people with disabilities
- Promotion of the development of social services in Latvia that meet the needs of people with disabilities
- Monitoring the deinstitutionalisation process
Information and contacts
Latvian Movement for Independent Living
Dīķa street 1A, Riga,
LV 1004