Judgment No SKA-160/2010

(Prisons – Education)
Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia
6 May 2010


The applicant, Mr. R., was serving a prison sentence. He was not provided with an opportunity to obtain primary education in prison.


The applicant complained that the fact that he is unable to obtain primary education in prison violated his human rights.

Court's ruling

The Court stated that the extent to which each state ensures right to education is largely dependent on its resources and policy. According to Latvian law state institutions, including prisons must ensure primary education to children up to age of 18. Therefore human rights do not oblige the state to guarantee individuals older than 18 the opportunity to obtain primary education. The Court explained that the prison administration should try to ensure this possibility only as far as financial resources available to prison administration allow that. Therefore the Court found no violation of Mr. R’s rights.

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Last updated 08/11/2023