The State Labour Inspectorate is a Latvian state institution overseeing various aspects of employment, including the protection of employees and safety in the workplace.

How can it help you

The State Labour Inspectorate can provide you with information and advice on issues connected with employment, for example, discrimination in work dismissals, details of employment contracts, safe environments at work etc. You should call the Inspectorate on 67186522 or 67186523 for a consultation or use the special application form or visit the Inspectorate personally for help. 


  • Supervision of compliance with the rules regulating employment relationships and safety in the workplace
  • Consultations on questions relating to employment relationships and safety requirements in the workplace for employees and employers
  • Awareness raising in society about the importance of safety at work
  • Mediation of conflicts between employers and employees
  • Registration and investigation of accidents within workplaces

More information & Contacts
+371 67186522, +371 67186523

The State Labour Inspectorate
38 k-1 Valdemara Street, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
1 Talejas Street, Riga, LV-1978, Latvia

Last updated 07/03/2019