The State Probation Service is a Latvian state institution supervising clients on probation and the correction of their social behaviour to decrease crime levels within the country.

How can it help you

Mediation and settlements

If you are involved in criminal proceedings as an accused or as a victim, you can ask for the assistance of the State Probation Service to mediate with the other party and to make a settlement. Settlement can be beneficial to all the involved parties - the accused, the victim and society in general. You can learn more about settlements on the website of the State Probation Service. 


  • Preparation of pre-sentence and parole reports about probation clients
  • Development and implementation of social behavior correction programmes for offenders
  • Supervision of persons, who are conditionally sentenced or released on parole from places of imprisonment
  • Supervision of persons who are released from criminal liability
  • Organization of the execution of criminal punishment — compulsory work
  • Organization of the execution of compulsory measures of a corrective nature — community service
  • Mediation in criminal matters
  • Supervision of the execution of additional punishment — supervision of probation 
  • Post-penitentiary aid to persons released from prison

More information & Contacts
+371 67021138

The State Probation Service
91 Dzirnavu Street
Riga, LV-1011

Last updated 19/02/2017