How do you complain about conditions in the place of detention and ask for compensation?

When detained on remand you are held in an investigation prison. You have the right to be held in conditions that are not inhumane or degrading. Read more about the conditions in a place of detention.

General complaints

If you believe that the conditions at the investigation prison violated your rights, you can complain about this to the head of the investigation prison or to the Latvian Prison Administration. You can also claim compensation if you believe that you have suffered any material or moral damages.


When filing a claim, you should explain all the relevant facts, the type of violation, how it occurred and add any evidence that you have. The relevant institution will not consider the compensation claim without also evaluating whether the violations that you have complained about actually happened. The institution might ask you for additional explanations or documentation, where necessary. The procedure outlining how to ask for compensation and how it will be considered is laid out in the Law on the Compensation of Damages Caused by the State Institutions.


You have the right to receive a written response to your application within one month. If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can appeal it to a higher institution. The decision has to indicate where and when to appeal.

Complaints about medical care

If you were seen by a doctor during your detention on remand and you were not satisfied with the quality of the treatment received, you can submit a complaint to the Health Inspectorate of the Ministry of Health. The procedure for writing an application is explained on the website of the Health Inspectorate. The Health Inspectorate will consider your application free of charge, make a decision about the next appropriate step and ask you for further documentation, where necessary. The inspectorate must respond to you within one month.

Other complaints

Read more about other specific complaints about conditions in the investigative prison.


Last updated 11/05/2019